Forecasting Information
Forecasting Information
For viewers wishing to see additional information beyond current hydrologic conditions, this page provides some graphics and links to weather and longer range outlooks. As indicated below, most of the information is provided by the National Weather Service, but we also included some experimental forecasting products that DWR funded the University of California, San Diego to prepare.
National Weather Service (NWS) California Nevada River Forecast Center (CNRFC), quantitative precipitation forecast map
NWS CNRFC, water resources update
NWS Colorado Basin River Forecast Center, water supply forecasts
Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes
NWS Climate Prediction Center products
- Week 2 Outlook -
- 30-Day Outlook -
- 90-Day Outlook -
- National Multi-Model Ensemble Experimental Forecast Products -
University of California, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography experimental research products

Atmospheric river landfall probability and scale forecast