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" + // "
" + "
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" + "Total Capacity: "+(capacity ? capacity.toLocaleString() : 'N/A')+"
" + "Avg. Stor. for Capacity: "+(dailyavg ? dailyavg.toLocaleString() : 'N/A') +"
" + "Reservoir Elevation: "+(attributes.elevation ? attributes.elevation + ' FT': 'N/A')+"
" + ""+(Math.round(attributes.pctCap) != null ? Math.round(attributes.pctCap) + '% of Total Capacity' : 'Total Capacity: N/A')+"
" + ""+(Math.round(attributes.pctAvg) != null ? Math.round(attributes.pctAvg) + '% of Historical Avg. For This Date' : 'Historical Avg.: N/A')+"

" + ( (RES_STATIONS && RES_STATIONS.indexOf(attributes.stationId) > -1) ? "More Details" : "" ) + "" + "
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' + '
' + '
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More Details
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" + "
"+attributes.stationName+" ("+attributes.sta+") on "+$('#actualDate').val()+"
" + "
" + "
" + "
Snow Water Equivalent (SWE)% of Average to Date: "+(percent_mean_avg != null ? percent_mean_avg.toLocaleString() + '%' : 'N/A')+"
" + "
Max SWE % of Average to Date: "+(maxSwe != null ? maxSwe.toLocaleString() + '%' : 'N/A')+"
" + "
Min SWE % of Average to Date: "+(minSwe != null ? minSwe.toLocaleString() + '%' : 'N/A') +"

" + "
Sensor Elevation: "+(attributes.elevation != null ? attributes.elevation.toLocaleString() + ' FT': 'N/A')+"
" + "
Depth of Snow: "+(attributes.obs_val != null ? attributes.obs_val.toLocaleString() + ' in': 'N/A')+"
" + "
Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) is the amount of water that will be released when the snowpack melts.
"+ "

" + ( (RES_STATIONS && RES_STATIONS.indexOf(attributes.stationId) > -1) ? "More Details" : "" ) + "" + "
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